Movies Critical Digest: 6.12.11

Written by  //  December 6, 2011  //  Critical Digest, Media & Popular Culture  //  1 Comment

A really funny take on the film, The Tree of Life (2011).  You know, the movie that everybody wanted to love but nobody actually understood?:

Do you have many unanswered, soul-searching life questions? A question about what socks to wear with your Sunday suit? At times like these, we must ask ourselves: What Would Don Draper Do (WWDDD)?  Hint: The answer involves drinking an Old-Fashioned, yelling at Peggy Olsen and being impossibly cool:

What happens when two extras from the Mahabharata end up in modern day New Jersey? Discussions on the spiritual significance of Jay-Z’s lyrics, obviously:

If people honestly want to see better movies churned out of Bollywood, this is the sort of treatment it needs.  Not somebody effusively praising a half-hearted attempt at being halfway decent. The bonus is a hilarious comic which rips the movie ‘Rockstar’ a new one:

Ah yes, it’s that time of the year when all the big studios are revving up their Oscar engines. It is also the time of the year when quirky, brave and awesome little movies hope to get picked up by Fox Searchlight. Check this year’s superb Sundance line-up:,65884/

About the Author

Lekha is a litigating lawyer by day and a procrastinator by night, and can never think of clever things to say at the right time. Do check out her movie reviews and touching tributes to George Clooney at Reviewers without Borders:

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One Comment on "Movies Critical Digest: 6.12.11"

  1. Comber December 8, 2011 at 4:04 pm ·

    Have you seen

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